What Can We Make Happen over the
Next 10 Years?
Industry Reimagined 2030: Over next decade we will have brought about a generational sea-change in U.S. Industry from a prevailing world view of 'inevitable decline' to one of 'vibrant opportunity.'
Step into the year 2030 and U.S. manufacturing’s global competitiveness contributes to the common good, revitalizes communities, provides meaningful employment, and transforms the environmental footprint leading to a massive increase in national pride.
Industry Reimagined 2030 is the catalyst for national associations, institutes and companies of all sizes to collaborate and speak with a unified, compelling voice for this vibrant future.
Standing in 2030 U.S. industry will have:
established 50,000 world-class domestic manufacturing small – medium– large enterprises (10x increase)
added 5 million middle-income manufacturing jobs (40%)
reduced the environmental footprint (by 30%)
added $1 trillion to the economy (40% increase)
Industry will have bridged the chasm from innovators to mainstream. In 2020, there is a population of innovative business executives reimagining operations, investing in domestic opportunities, rethinking execution, and achieving business success. We will have scaled lessons and capabilities through national organizations. ​
This reimagined future for industry is bold, inspiring and it is not impossible.
In accomplishing this future, what will need to be true?
1. We will have shifted the existing context of manufacturing from one of inevitable decline to one of vibrant opportunity
2. We built upon the foundations of 2020 and not those of 10 or even 5 years ago
3. Opportunities previously not-well know became widely visible and scaled
4. The entire manufacturing sector started speaking with a unified voice
A new narrative for industry is unfolding
The old worldview is all most people know
Today we speak with many uncoordinated voices limiting our impact
Industry Reimagined 2030 is causing a shift in mindset
Prompting decision makers to new investment opportunities
The greater danger lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.
Industry Reimagined 2030
WE are bringing about a generational sea-change in US Industry from a prevailing worldview of 'inevitable decline' to one of 'vibrant opportunity.
After business leaders shift into this new worldview, new and huge opportunities come into view
In 2020, the paradigm for US Industry shifted
The 21st century economy is volatile with continual disruption
The adverse effects of globalization are out in the open
The strategic necessity of a resilient the supply chain
Technology is altering the entire landscape for industry, workplace and worker
A new socio-economic ethos is present and strengthening
Environmental concerns are mainstream
A workforce is trending to digital natives with distinctly different values
Striving for a better world for business, individual, community and society
Empowering people as a source of competitive advantage, business health, community vitality
Technology which augments human contribution and society
Neighborhoods and communities of unprecedented collaboration
15 min video description
Industry is inclusive of all the sectors of making, producing and supplying - manufacturing, production, extraction, distribution, whole-sale, retail, logistics, operations.
We are building a holistic worldview of people-process-technology-leadership.
Innovative and cost-effective technologies and processes to revitalize Industry now exist. We have a spectrum of educational channels that can reach everyone.
The 21st century hyper-competitive landscape is irreversible. We now recognize how vital Industry is to providing domestic security, meaningful work and socio-economic prosperity for ALL.
A wave of creative destruction is affecting all sectors. It is easy to see the destruction. For many Americans, daily life is no longer stable, secure and improving.
The way ahead is through our collective imagination, aiming higher and more inclusively than ever before.
If you endorse our aims and principles
One Decade from Now
In the single decade between 2010 - 2020, we transformed commerce. In 2010, few recognized the tectonic shifts that would rattle every business sector. The businesses and jobs disappearing or moving overseas were highly visible. Many businesses and careers now in demand did not yet exist.
In 2020, we are at a similar inflection point and the financial prize is similarly huge. Digital technologies are altering fundamental processes. Demographics are altering the workplace. The pace is accelerating.
We can make a lot can happen in 10 years.
Our Approach
Unprecedented collaboration among national organizations
Uncover big, bold opportunities that stimulate strategic action and investment
Hot-bed for Innovation + Commercialization + Manufacturing all in the U.S.
Engage a purposeful community of change-makers
Surface, share and scale solutions that reach across the chasm to mainstream decision-makers
Paint a vivid, holistic picture
that is an invitation to open the door, step outside and see, sense, feel the emerging future.